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Young people stand at the epicentre of transformation. It's not about turning every child into a startup founder, but about cultivating a mindset that breeds innovation, resilience, and the courage to chase dreams.

Let's delve into the power of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Before we dive into the practicalities, let's ground ourselves. Academic studies echo the importance of instilling an entrepreneurial mindset early on. This isn't about textbooks but about nurturing the innate curiosity and creativity that every child possesses.

What is the secret sauce that fuels innovation?

Imagine a child's mind as a canvas, waiting to be painted with the colours of exploration. Parents, your role here is not to provide answers but to ask questions that ignite the spark of curiosity.

What if we could build a house on the moon?

What if animals could talk?

Fostering curiosity isn't just about finding answers; it's about revelling in the joy of asking questions.

In a world that fears failure, let's redefine its narrative

Failure is not the end but a pit stop on the road to success.

Parents, be the guides who teach your children not to fear failure but to see it as a stepping stone, a lesson, and a friend on the journey to greatness. Introduce your children to stories of resilience—characters who faced setbacks but emerged stronger.

Whether it's a tale of a famous inventor's multiple attempts or a sports legend's comeback, let resilience become a hero in their stories.

Creativity is the lifeblood of an entrepreneurial mindset

It's not just about artistic endeavours; it's about thinking beyond the obvious, connecting dots that others might miss.

Let your child explore a variety of activities.

From coding to painting to building a makeshift fort, each experience contributes to the mosaic of creativity. Life's journey is riddled with challenges, and resilience is the shield that helps navigate the storms.

Parents, your role is to instil in your children the belief that setbacks are temporary, and they possess the strength to rise again.

Show young people that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Instead of praising intelligence, praise the effort they put into a task.In wrapping up this chapter, let's reflect on the immense power parents hold in shaping the entrepreneurial mindset of the next generation.

The innovation generation

It's not about creating a generation of business magnates but nurturing a generation that approaches life with innovation, resilience, and an unwavering belief in their ability to forge their paths.

In our next instalment, we'll venture into the realm of leadership, exploring how an entrepreneurial mindset transforms ordinary leaders into visionaries. Until then, parents, keep fostering curiosity, embracing failure, nurturing creativity, and instilling resilience. Together, let's raise a generation of unstoppable dreamers!


Will Remes
Post by Will Remes
Jan 18, 2024 6:14:08 PM
Will is Earniversity's CEO and co-founder. Will is passionate about developing learning experiences for young people that complement traditional academic provision and inspiring more people from diverse backgrounds to become business builders and future leaders. His is a distinguished career in strategic leadership, encompassing training, Edtech and certification throughout EMEA.
