All articles from Dene Botha
Co-founder of Earniversity and CEO at Empowered Youth Academy LTD, Dene is a self-taught entrepreneur and youth-skills specialist, who has dedicated the past 21 years of his life training young people on essential life-skills that bridge the gap between teenager/adolescent and adulthood. Also known for being a TV presenter, radio personality, international speaker, university lecturer, author, and award winning entrepreneur, Dene has a confident approach to life and business and has an extremely passion demeanour – His excitement is clearly demonstrated when providing insight on all things "youth" related. He's the mind behind the well-known youth brands like Young Mavericks Academy, Inspired Youth, Ready.Set.Success!, Pride Factor, and Streets to Success, which he claims are a culmination of his life’s work. On stage presenting and performing, motivating and coaching, and an undeniable passion for the youth as a whole, Dene knows how to work a crowd and ensure the message is "coolified". He’s been working since the age of 13 y/o and his passion and determination is what has lead him to become a leader within the youth skills-development industry.